Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Introductions May Be in Order

I would like to think I'm not a very complicated person, but that's not true. Just the fact that I'm a person makes me complicated. But, I think a decent amount of what makes me what I am can be broken down into a few facts.

So, here you go. Six fun facts because (fun fact) six is my favorite number.

1) I went to high school with Maggie and Melany. That's how they know me.
2) I'm not a very religious person and I don't really know what that phrase means, even though I say it a lot. But I know what it doesn't mean.
3) I watch entirely too much television. I spend most of my money on movies. Pop culture references are what my brain is wired with and make up half of the things I say.
4) I am a very picky eater, but I love food and am inherently convinced that the South has the best the country has to offer (sorry, rest of the country).
5) I love Harry Potter more than I love most things. Also, I'm a Slytherin. Beware.
6) I will be 21 in September and have never been in anything that resembles a relationship.

So, there you go. I have now made it sufficiently weird, so let's embrace (metaphorically) and be bros.


  1. YOUR ENTHUSIASM FOR THIS IS MAKING ME HAPPY. Way to be good at life, Britny.


  3. We should be friends!
    Yay Harry Potter (I'm "officially" a Hufflepuff, but have been Slytherine many a time pre-pottermore).
    Yay movies and TV! Also, I already know you like Supernatural, so there's another reason we should be friends.
    I was 21 last September, and I have never been in anything resembling a relationship either.

    1. My phone auto-corrected Slytherin to "Slytherine" :/

    2. I kind-of dig it, personally. Slytherine: like an adjective, meaning Slytherin-like.

    3. Slytherine is a cool word. Go Amy.

      Nice to meet you, Britny! Where in Texas are you from? My friend's family lives in Galveston.

    4. Hi! I was born in Abilene, but I "grew up" in (lived in from 4-12) the Dallas area. Then I moved to Albany, which is right outside of Abilene, where Maggie and Melany are also from. It's about two and a half hours west of Fort Worth, I think. And very tiny.

  4. It's okay, we're all bound to have our brains completely melted by pop culture eventually, so we might as well enjoy it! I'm a Ravenclaw. Nice to make your acquaintance. And welcome to the realm of the blogger family.

  5. Interesting facts! I'm curious though, if you're a picky eater, have you tried all that Texas has to offer? Another Ravenclaw over here.

    1. I mean, probably not. Because there's like, all types of food here. But I'm breaking out of my I-only-eat-things-my-family-has-always-made box. Little by little.
