Monday, April 18, 2016

I promise you I'm a poet

A Few Things I'm Really Loving

  • Orphan Black. I forgot how much I enjoy this crazy, crazy show. I binge-watched seasons one through three again this past week and still found it delightfully bananas, and I'm very excited to (for once) be caught up with the rest of the world. I highly suggest it if you're into sci-fi or super-intense action-drama or just watching an actress consistently knock it out of the park (seriously, Tatiana Maslany, are you genetically engineered??).
  • The Dogist on Instagram. It's essentially Humans of New York, but with dogs. That's all you should need to know.
  • Still, Carly Rae Jepsen. Girl made one of the best albums I've heard in a long time, is absolutely adorable, does the Joan Jett she-mullet justice and puts on an infectiously sugary show. For a quick happiness boost, check out her new video for arguably my favorite song off of EM•O•TION, "Boy Problems" -- directed by Petra Collins who, coincidentally, I've also been super into for a while. Her unflinching, raw approach to what it means to be a girl (and, more specifically, a teenage girl) is really refreshing. 
  • Hi, I'm totally in love with Lupita Nyong'o. And everyone else should be as well. On top of being one of the most physically beautiful women I've ever seen, she is intelligent, talented and sincere. A living embodiment of "grace," a la Kelly. Also, she has this kind of relationship with John Boyega, which is what we should all aspire to. "Mathematically makes sense"? I agree.
  • A lot of people have pages and pages of tagged Facebook photos, tweets and statuses (stati?) of inside jokes that roll across their Timehop on a daily basis. To an extent, I do too. But I could always do with more. I was very bad at making lasting connections in college, but my very last year, I managed to make a couple of friends and then subsequently collect their friends as my own too. I'm glad because now it means things like this come across Timehop and I can roll my eyes at my own terrible, fantastic decisions:
The theme to this party was "PTA Meeting" and I attended it after traveling six hours roundtrip for a rock concert because I am very dumb and also awesome.
  • So far, I'm liking most of what I'm seeing from Sixx:AM's forthcoming album Prayers for the Damned, which comes out April 29. I've liked 2/3 songs released so far quite a bit, particularly "You Have Come to the Right Place." When you're as habitually anxious as I am, there's something really satisfying about the harmless feeling of fizzy anticipation that comes with something you know you're going to love coming out soon.
  • And speaking of fizzy anticipation, I'm starting to get super hyped about getting to see Panic! at the Disco in June. I've only been a fan for a little over a year, but I've fallen deeply in love and I'm 95% sure I will die upon seeing Brendon Urie IRL, especially when he performs "Death of a Bachelor." Bonus: at least one and possibly two of my close friends is/are coming with me and I have the Friday and Monday bookending the weekend of the show off:
  • I'm kind-of loving that I've started accidentally becoming a lipstick person. When I was first getting into makeup way, way back in the day, I was not lipstick's #1 fan. I thought it was gross-feeling and waxy and I hated that it never stayed on my mouth and instead got all over everything else. But slowly, I'm learning to appreciate it. I still hate how easy it is to mess up and that I have to reapply it every so often, but I love the wild array of colors that lipstick comes in -- and that wearing wild colors is currently the Thing to Do. I have a habit of buying Kat Von D lipsticks in particular because they're highly pigmented and have the best names (example: currently wearing two at once, an Everlasting Liquid Lipstick called "Exorcism" and a Studded Kiss Lipstick called "Bauhau5"). 

And a Few Things I Could Do Without

  • As anyone who's followed me on Twitter for more than a month or so knows, this year I fell head over heels for The X Files. I could write an entire post on the reasons why I'm so about it, but instead I'll just tell you to try it out yourself and warn you that you're bound to be instantly obsessed with either Mulder or Scully, but probably both. What I don't love about TXF is that the last two seasons feature basically no Mulder. No one warned me of this, so I'm looking out for you all with this warning. It is a heartbreaking realization to be met with. It's always a bummer when a major character (read: actor) shows up less in a show, but the heart of TXF is the Mulder/Scully dynamic and it's much less enjoyable without it. Silver lining: Mulder's back in full-force in the revival, which I'm going to need you all to light a candle and say a prayer for so we get more episodes.
  • Also not into the realization that it has almost been ONE YEAR since I graduated college. Um, what? On one hand, it makes sense, as it feels like the nearly 365 days since I said goodbye to UT have been many, many more. But at the same time, I feel like I was just talking too much in an RTF class yesterday. I'm sure my former classmates are glad to see a year between themselves and my constant stream of opinions, but it hurts my heart a bit to know I've been in the Real World for so long already. Cherish your time, kids. 

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